
In-Town Privacy Policy

Stay connected with friends from the past with In-Town, an app that notifies users when their friends are nearby! In-Town stores some data about you in order to provide it's services. This data includes things like Location, First and Last name, phone number, and time of last location upload. This data is never sold to third parties, and is used for the purpose of providing services to end users. The developer may, at his discretion, view and make changes to the data, as well as monitor the data and the interactions of users through the data, in order to provide feedback on how the app is doing, and assist in debugging purposes. Your info (First Name, Last Name, phone number, time of last location upload, and if you are within a certain radius of them) is also displayed to other users in your group, to allow them to connect with you. This data is exported and stored with AWS, likely in the US. By using in-town, you agree to this privacy policy, and consent to your data being stored

Race Day Android Privacy Policy

Race Day App is an app that allows parents, coaches, and/or friends of cross country runners to see data about their race in real-time. Due to the nature of the app, some data must be collected to use this app. Race Day App may collect location, Device ID, Cadence, Pace, Heart Rate, and a few other related statistics. This data is transmitted and stored on a server, and allows other users who have paired their phone to your Garmin to see data about your run. I use the ConnectIQ SDK in my app, which allows me to get data via bluetooth from connected devices. The android app also has a sign in feature, which allows users to create or sign in to an account. This means that email, name, and password information is collected. This data is not sold to third parties. This data is used by to improve the app experience, to allow the developer to see who is using the app, and to debug and improve the app. This data is never sold to third parties. If you would like your data deleted, please email

Race Day App Instructions

  Race Day App is an app for Garmin smartwatches that displays live information from a runner's watch on a coach's, parent's, or friend's phone. Please follow the instructions below to get your phone and watch ready for action. Instructions: 1. Install Race Day App on Your Garmin First, you need to install Race Day App On your Garmin. Please click  here , to download Race Day App. 2. Install Testflight Race day app currently requires Apple's Testflight to track runner's race data. Please install the testflight app on your iPhone by clicking  here . 3. Install Race Day App on Your iPhone Now you're ready to install Race Day App On your iPhone. Please click  here , then click join. 4. Set up Race Day App Hooray! You've finished installing Race Day App. Now you need to set it up so that your app is ready to roll on Race Day. Each runner's device needs to be connected to your phone. In order to do this, follow the steps below. Open Race Day App on your p

Bible Abbreviations

 There are a set of 3 letter Bible abbreviation standards that Holy Bible (an app for Garmin smartwatches) uses. In order to set custom favorite passages, please use these abbreviations.  GEN - Genesis EXO - Exodus LEV - Leviticus NUM - Numbers DEU - Deuteronomy JOS - Joshua JDG - Judges RUT - Ruth 1SA - 1 Samuel 2SA - 2 Samuel 1KI - 1 Kings 2KI - 2 Kings 1CH - 1 Chronicles 2CH - 2 Chronicles EZR - Ezra NEH - Nehemiah EST - Ester JOB - Job PSA - Psalms PRO - Proverbs ECC - Ecclesiastes SNG - Song of Songs ISA - Isaiah JER - Jeremiah LAM - Lamentations EZK - Ezekiel DAN - Daniel HOS - Hosea JOL - Joel AMO - Amos OBA - Obadiah JON - Jonah MIC - Micah NAM - Nahum HAB - Habakkuk ZEP - Zephaniah HAG - Haggai ZEC - Zechariah MAL - Malachi MAT - Matthew MRK - Mark LUK - Luke JHN - John ACT - Acts ROM - Romans 1CO - 1 Corinthians 2CO - 2 Corinthians GAL - Galatians EPH - Ephesians PHP - Philippians COL - Colossians 1TH - 1 Thessalonians 2TH - 2 Thessalonians 1TI - 1 Timothy 2TI - 2 Timothy TIT

Race Day iOS privacy policy

 Race day for iOS devices is an app that allows coaches, parents, and friends of cross country runners to view real time stats on their runner.  In order for race day to work, it needs to collect some data. The iOS app currently collects data that Apple provides, and data needed to operate the app (such as account usernames, passwords, names etc). It also may collect data about when the app was last used by a user. It does collect some data that a watch may send it, such as pace, heart rate, laps, gps strength, gps location, etc. Additionally, it may collect data that firebase provides, particularly data that coorelates with push notifications. This data is stored in the cloud. If you would not like this data to be stored, please do not use this app.   I can view and access this data, but do not share it with any paid third party partners. Users that have added your watch to their race day app (or those that are on your team) may also have access to your data. (Eg. if your watch was pa

Maps4Garmin iOS privacy policy

 Maps4Garmin iOS privacy policy. Maps4Garmin is an app for both Garmin smartwatches and iPhones. The iPhone app allows user's to configure the Maps4Garmin app on their smartwatch. The Maps4Garmin iPhone app collects no data at this time. However, this privacy policy is subject to change at any time with, or without notice.

Common Error Codes and What They Mean.

 It can be very frustrating when an app doesn't work like it's intended to.  It's even more frustrating when you don't know what to do to fix the problem.  This guide is intended to help you solve connection errors, especially in regards to the Garmin Connect IQ App Maps4Garmin. • Error -2: This is an error that can be caused in multiple ways.  If your phone is disconnected from your watch during the map download this error can occur. It can happen when your phone is too far from your watch, or bluetooth is disrupted during the transfer.  Solutions include:      • turning bluetooth off, and then back on, on both your phone and watch.     • exiting Maps4Garmin, then reopening it.     •  restarting your phone and watch. • Error  For more information, please visit this site: This section is still in development.