Race Day iOS privacy policy

 Race day for iOS devices is an app that allows coaches, parents, and friends of cross country runners to view real time stats on their runner. 

In order for race day to work, it needs to collect some data. The iOS app currently collects data that Apple provides, and data needed to operate the app (such as account usernames, passwords, names etc). It also may collect data about when the app was last used by a user. It does collect some data that a watch may send it, such as pace, heart rate, laps, gps strength, gps location, etc. Additionally, it may collect data that firebase provides, particularly data that coorelates with push notifications.

This data is stored in the cloud. If you would not like this data to be stored, please do not use this app.  

I can view and access this data, but do not share it with any paid third party partners. Users that have added your watch to their race day app (or those that are on your team) may also have access to your data. (Eg. if your watch was paired to someone’s phone, they could see your data through race day app). This allows coaches and parents to collaborate data, sharing the most up-to-date information with all parties of Race Day App. Additionally, your data may be used to create aggregate data (such as the number of users that are currently using the app) to show other users.

This data is used by to improve the app experience, to allow the developer to see who is using the app, and to debug and improve the app. This data is never sold to third parties.

Please note, I reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. 

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