Race Day Android Privacy Policy

Race Day App is an app that allows parents, coaches, and/or friends of cross country runners to see data about their race in real-time.

Due to the nature of the app, some data must be collected to use this app. Race Day App may collect location, Device ID, Cadence, Pace, Heart Rate, and a few other related statistics. This data is transmitted and stored on a server, and allows other users who have paired their phone to your Garmin to see data about your run.

I use the ConnectIQ SDK in my app, which allows me to get data via bluetooth from connected devices.

The android app also has a sign in feature, which allows users to create or sign in to an account. This means that email, name, and password information is collected. This data is not sold to third parties.

This data is used by to improve the app experience, to allow the developer to see who is using the app, and to debug and improve the app. This data is never sold to third parties.

If you would like your data deleted, please email me at sirlancelotgarmin@gmail.com.


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