In-Town Privacy Policy

Stay connected with friends from the past with In-Town, an app that notifies users when their friends are nearby!

In-Town stores some data about you in order to provide it's services. This data includes things like Location, First and Last name, phone number, and time of last location upload. This data is never sold to third parties, and is used for the purpose of providing services to end users. The developer may, at his discretion, view and make changes to the data, as well as monitor the data and the interactions of users through the data, in order to provide feedback on how the app is doing, and assist in debugging purposes. Your info (First Name, Last Name, phone number, time of last location upload, and if you are within a certain radius of them) is also displayed to other users in your group, to allow them to connect with you. This data is exported and stored with AWS, likely in the US. By using in-town, you agree to this privacy policy, and consent to your data being stored and processed in this manner. 

If any user would like their data deleted, please email me at

Changes to this privacy policy may be made at any time.


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